Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Sahasra Kalasa Theerthaabisheka
Kameswara Kameswari Thirukalyanam

Sunday, May 07, 2023 &
Monday, May 08, 2023









With the Blessings of Guru Sri Champakambika and with the karuna kataksham of Sri Maha Ganapathi, Sri Lalitha Thripurasundari and Gurumandalam, Shyamala Sathsanga Mandali is planning to perform Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Sahasra Kalasa Theerthaabisheka
Kameswara Kameswari Thirukalyanam, on Chitra Pournami Pooja on 7th and 8th of May 2023

May 07 2023
May 08 2023


Sri Krishnaswamy Kalyana Mandapam


On the first day, for each Sahasranamavali, each Kalasam with coconut and blouse bit with Mala will be decorated and will perform the aavahanam with veda adhyayanam, Sahasranama Parayanam and Archanai.

Abishekam to Kameswara Kameswari will be done with this purified water in the kalasam by the devotees themselves and alankaram of Kameswara Kameswari and Thirukkalyanam will be done according to Veda and Srividya samprathayam.

Those who participate and contribute to this Abishekam and Thirukkalyanam will be Blessed with all their good wishes will come True.  Those girls and boys who are unmarried will get married at the correct time.  Those who are already married will come closer and better understanding of each other to lead a peaceful life.  They will get the blessings of Astalakshmi. With peaceful mind will lead a disease-free life.

To perform  the above Thirukkalyanam, it has been budgeted that it will cost around Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs).  The approximate split is as follows:

1008 Kalasam – Rs.5,50,000/-

Kalasa Vasthram – Rs.1,00,000/-

Kalyana Mandapam – Rs.2,00,000/-

Annadhanam – Rs.5,00,000/-

1st Day Avarna Pooja – Rs.75,000/-

Thithi Nithya Pooja – Rs.35,000/-

Garland and Flowers – Rs.2,00,000/-

Thirumangalyam – Rs.35,000/-

Medai decoration – Rs.1,00,000/-

Vaidheega expenses – Rs.1,00,000/-

Homam Expenses – Rs.50,000/-

Thamboolam – Rs.50,000/-

Sowbagya thravyangal – Rs.25,000/-

Misc expenses – Rs.1,00,000/-

It is expected that adding all expenses, one Kalasa cost would be Rs.2,000/-.  The devotees are requested to pass on this information to all your friends and relatives and make them also participate in this contribution.  I request each one of the devotees to take responsible for minimum 25 to 50 Kalasas to ensure that Kameswara Kameswari Thirukkalyanam is celebrated in a very grand and spiritual manner and get the Blessings.

The so done Abisheka kalasam along with the prasada vasthram and coconut will be given as prasadam to the devotees who have contributed for the Kalasam.

To get the token for the Kalasa Abishekam the devotees can contact 9283161218 or 9282239277.

The contributions given for the Pooja to the Trust Account is exempted from Tax.

Trust Account Bank Details
Shyamala Sathsanga Mandali
Central Bank of India
Current Account No. 3897216712
IFSC code CBIN0281267