Suktas – Slokas – Stuthis

Sri Sukta
Sri Sukta also called Sri Suktam is the earliest Sanskrit devotional hymn to glorify the Goddess Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. The worship of Shri Lakshmi with Shri Sukta is known as Shri Sukta Sadhana. Chanting of Mahalakshmi Stotram brings prosperity and wealth.
Sri Suktam Lyrics & Meaning

Sri Yoga Meenakshi Stotram
Sri Yoga Meenakshi Sloka & Meaning

Saraswati Sukta
The Mother of the Vedas, Goddess Saraswati Devi also referred to as ‘Vak Devi’ is the Goddess of Learning and Knowledge. Before embarking on any learning activity, recite this Saraswati Sukta, you will discover immense positivity around you and you shall be able to concentrate deeper & Longer.
Saraswati Suktam Lyrics & Meaning

Durga Sukta
Durga Suktam is an important part of Sri Vidya Mantra and is very potent for burning karma. Get connected to Divine Mother and experience Divine Love by chanting Durga Suktam daily so as to face and overcome any difficult situation.
Durga Suktam Lyrics & Meaning

Devi Sukta
Devi Suktam comprising of 8 stanzas composed by Vak, the daughter of Maharshi Ambharin, is from the Rig Veda, 10th Mandala, 10 Anuvaka, 125th Sukta. The descriptions match with all aspects of the universal goddess, Adhi Parashakthi – Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswathi. Chanting Devi Suktam removes the fears of enemies and evil spirits and promotes overall peace and prosperity in homes and the lives of individuals.
Devi Suktam Lyrics & Meaning

Ratri Sukta
Ratri Sukta is a salutation to Mother Kali and a prayer for protection. The term ‘Ratri’ stands for darkness; it is also symbolic of ignorance. Ratri Sukta is also the 5th chapter in Purva Bhaga of Devi Mahatmyam and is also known as Vanadurga Suktam. Ratri Sukta invokes Devi for removing ignorance, and destroy all forms of negativities. Chant Ratri Sukta to access divine energy and to draw immense benefits physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
Ratri Suktam Lyrics & Meaning

Keelaka Stotram
Keelakam is like a key to open the lock. So before chanting the mantras one needs to unlock the mantra by performing keelakam to get the results from the mantra. Chant Keelaka stothram to unlock the benefits of reading Devi Mahatmyam.
Keelaka Stotram Lyrics & Meaning

Argala Stotram
Argala Stotram is the most beautiful prayer for Goddess Durga composed by Rishi Markandeya. Devotees of Goddess Durga recite this Argala Stotram before completing the Durga Saptasati. Each and every verse of Argala Stotram has many hidden secrets. Explore the meaning and benefits of Chanting Argala Stotram.
Argala Stotram Lyrics & Meaning

Sri Raja Mathangi Ashtottara Shatanamavali
Raja Matangi is the Goddess of knowledge, talent, and expertise. Chant Raja Matangi to enhance your artistic skills, attract people to oneself, gaining control over enemies, and to get knowledge and wisdom.
Sri Raja Mathangi Ashtottara Shatanamavali