For your convenience, we have uploaded the audio format of this Vancha Kalpalatha Mantra Japa Vidhanam. This mantra is a combination of mantras of Ganapati, Saubhagya Panchadasi and Gayatri. This mantra contains Agni, Surya, Lalithambika, Balatripura Sundari, Mahamritunjaya, Kubera, Lakshmi, Vishnu, Rudra, Ucchista Ganapathi, Srividya Vallabha Ganapathi, Shaktis together. By chanting Vancha Kalpalatha Ganapathi mantra one can attain material and spiritual benefits in one’s life.
om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ
aiṁ ka e ī la hrīṁ
tat saviturvareṇyaṁ
gaṇapataye ।
klīṁ ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
varavarada ।
sauḥ sa ka la hrīṁ
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt
sarvajanaṁ me vaśamānaya svāhā ॥
Sri Gurubhyonamah
Kindly enlighten me with the procedure in detail to get myself initiated the auspicious Vanchakalpalatha Ganapathi Mantra through Guru. I stay at Hyderabad. I am a brahmin by birth, atreyasa gotra. I do Gayatri Japam. As a boon I got interested in Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram and recite daily.
With sastanga namaskarams,
Thanks for reaching out. You can contact me at 9283161218 or 9282239277
Namaskaram Guru Garu , how do I get initiated into Mantra ? Do you conduct group sessions or give individual ? What is the process of mantra Deeksha are there any levels ?
If you are interested in Srividya Upasana, contact us in 9283161218 or 9282239277 – at present WhatsApp call only.
NA PERU SUBBALAKSHMI. Nenu sadharanamina stotralau chaduvutanu.. Memu aruvela niyogi brahmins. naku present sri vidya upasan cheyali ani undi. Munduga ea mantranni japam cheyyali
You can reach me at 9283161218
– Srividya
Can I contact you for diksha
Yes you can contact us at 9283161218
Can I change this mantra before getting initiation from a guru ?
If not where can I meet a guru?
Aum Sath Gurubhyo Namaha!
Vancha Kalpalath Maha Mantra is one of the Uchhista Mantra, which can be given only after taking the initial mantras like Ganapathi, Bala etc. These mantras are to be chanted several lakhs of times to get the vibrations into our soul, after which only you can be given this Maha Mantra.
If you are interested in Srividya Upasana, contact us in 9283161218 or 9282239277 – at present WhatsApp call only.
Since we are in Melbourne at present and will be back in Chennai, you can meet us early February at the address given in contact us page.
Namaskaram. Kindly guide me as to how many times one should chant Vanch Kalpa Srividya Ganapathy manthram for Manthra Siddhi?
I have been initiated into Mahaganapathy, Panchdasi and Shodasi manthras and I am a regular SriVidya Upsaki. I would like to commence chanting the Vancha Kalpa Ganapathy Manthra. My Guru has recently attained the Lotus Feet to Ambal and I am seeking your guidance on this.
Thank you,
Alamelu Sankaran
Vancha Kalpalatha is the combination of Ganapathy, Panchadashi and Shodasi
One should do minimum 1000 per day and should complete minimum 5 lakhs japam
Not only this is enough. One should do this japam and proportionately Tharpanam, Homam, Pooja samarpanam and Annadhanam to be done to attain Karya siddhi.
You can call me on 9283161218 for further initiation, if required.
Sree Mathre Namah: Thank you very much for this guidance. I will call you soon and see in person when I visit India this December.
I have heard of minimum 444,444 times of chanting Vancha Kalpa SriVidya Ganapathy Manthra. Now you have clarified for me it is actually 500,000 japams and the details for purascharana. I will contact you soon. Thank you.
Can I listen to this mantra regularly (not reciting) ? Does this also require guru upadesha ?
Yes. You can listen to this audio.
Sir I am bit confused with the sound and the pronunciation in English.
It ong sring or om sreem
It’s Om Shreem
Can you please post Nyasa either in Sanskrit or in English please. grateful.
I am searching for a Guru who can initiate me into vancha kalpa latha maha mantram. Could someone help?
Aum Sath Gurubhyo Namaha!
Vancha Kalpalath Maha Mantra is one of the Uchhista Mantra, which can be given only after taking the initial mantras like Ganapathi, Bala etc. These mantras are to be chanted several lakhs of times to get the vibrations into our soul, after which only you can be given this Maha Mantra. First let me know if you have got Upadesam of Gayatri Maha Mantra.
Radhey Krishna!
Hi can u provide the vinyog and nyas of it in written format ?
As requested we have provided the Nyas for Vancha Kalpatha Ganapathi. Check it out here at
Should I recite this before sunrise or can this be recited any part of the day??
This mantra can be recited any time of the day. But this mantra to be learnt only through a Guru.
Send me nyasa in English
This mantra consists of Ganapathi mantra which has to be given by Guru. Next stanz is Gayathri mantra which also to be adorn by upadesam and finally Panchadasi the great mantra of Srividya upasana. All these mantras clubbed together is Vancha Kalpalatha Maha Mantra. Definitely this needs to be taken from Guru only
All mantras have value only if it ia done with nyasam
Does this great mantra need Guru Guidance or any one can start?
Are there any rules and guidelines to follow while doing this ?
This mantra consists of the Ganapathi mantra which has to be given by Guru. The next stanza is the Gayathri mantra which also to be adorned by upadesam and finally Panchadasi the great mantra of Srividya Upasana. All these mantras clubbed together is Vancha Kalpalatha Maha Mantra. Definitely, this needs to be taken from Guru only
All mantras have value only if it is done with Nyasam.