Vancha means desires. Kalpalata means granting all desires. So Vancha Kalpalata Ganapathi is the Lalithambika Shakthi in Ganapathi form which grants all the heart desires. Vancha Kalpalatha Ganapathi mantra is very powerful and chanting this mantra removes all sorts of obstacles related to marriage, puthra bhagya, and all negative impacts in the family will vanish. This mantra is equivalent to offering Brahman Bhojan to 1000 Vedic Brahmins. It brings all sorts of prosperity happiness and wealth in the family. Performing Vancha Kalpalatha Homam is equivalent to performing 444 times of Sri Maha Ganapathi Homam.

For your convenience, we have uploaded the audio format of this Vancha Kalpalatha Mantra Japa Vidhanam. This mantra is a combination of mantras of Ganapati, Saubhagya Panchadasi and Gayatri. This mantra contains Agni, Surya, Lalithambika, Balatripura Sundari, Mahamritunjaya, Kubera, Lakshmi, Vishnu, Rudra, Ucchista Ganapathi, Srividya Vallabha Ganapathi, Shaktis together. By chanting Vancha Kalpalatha Ganapathi mantra one can attain material and spiritual benefits in one’s life.

om śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ
aiṁ ka e ī la hrīṁ
tat saviturvareṇyaṁ
gaṇapataye ।
klīṁ ha sa ka ha la hrīṁ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
varavarada ।
sauḥ sa ka la hrīṁ
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt
sarvajanaṁ me vaśamānaya svāhā ॥